
The last couple of days I have been painting 1000 domino's and making our Summer Conference Logo of a video that we will be making. I can't really express in words what it is like to paint 1000 domino's. It is quiet the experience. I'm sure it could have been made much easier if we had a spray gun that actually worked well. It kept getting clogged thus making this project a little more difficult. I also had to paint the two dots and one line on 75 of the domino's. It is a tedious job, but I tend to be okay with those most of the time. Then next step in the process was to set up the domino's around the logo. With each domino placed there was the fear "I really don't want to be the one that has a domino fall over and make the whole thing fall and start over". Well, I was putting the last Domino in place, and sure enough, it tipped and set one of the four lines going. THAT LAST DOMINO Dangit! That happened several times to a couple of us. That's the risk you take when you work with Domino's I guess. But, be that as it may, as usual, the hard work pays off because it looked really good. My back hurts, my legs are tired, there is red spray dust all over the garage, but it was worth it because the end product looks good.