I have gotten to a point in my life where I felt like I needed to make some changes. Not that I am unhappy with where I am in life, because I love where I am at, but a change in some of the little things must take place. This has been my conclusion. This new way of life may have been inspired by some of the people I work with, or maybe just from the suttle, yet obviously very effect marketing of a company with a guy in a tee shirt and jeans representing the cool, casual, hip lifestyle their product is associated with. I'll have to admit I have been fighting this change for a while. People don't often like change and I am no big exception to the rule. I don't mind it, but transitioning from one way of thinking to another is not always easy, even if you know deep down inside that it must take place. So, after fighting it for a while, going back and forth on what I should do, I finally broke down and joined the esotaric, tendy group of people that own a Mac.
I make this judgement with the utmost respect, with the reluctant knowledge that I may be entering the beginning stages of becoming one myself. I told a friend who is a proud Mac owner, that owning a MacBook makes you feel almost high class. It's a smooth, classy looking machine and you are proud to walk into Starbucks (strictly for example purposes) with this MacBook in your hands, set it down on the table and surf the web with the added bonus of enjoying a Mocha Frapp (again just for example).
Several other people have MacBooks at CIY and I have seen theirs and they are durty where their hands rest as they type, so I decided I did not want mine to become like this. So I added some blue surface to protect and enhance the surrounding keyboard area. I think I really like it. It adds a nice accent and sets it apart from the other MacBooks I am surrounded by. People can look at mine and know it belongs to me, because it is unique. No one else has a MacBook that looks like mine.
The transition will take a while for me to be totally comfortable. I find myself trying to do little things that worked on my PC but don't work on the Mac. And I am learning the things that the Mac can do that the PC can't. So here I go, entering a new phase of life. It's like graduating from college and school all together. I went to school my whole life, then one day I woke up and I was done. I started a new stage in life. The same goes with my computing. I have used a PC my whole life. It is all I have ever know. Now I wake up one day and I have moved from the old to a whole new thing.
So far, it's been great. I'm loving it and will soon be a pro, or maybe just below pro status!